Customer Service
Visiting Hours:
Belize Healthcare Partners Limited welcomes family and friends to visit their loved ones recovering at our Hospital. However, our patients’ safe recovery and comfort are of great concern to us.
Regulations for visitors - General Wards
- The Hospital requests that visitors be limited to three (3). Children OVER the age of 12 should be accompanied by an adult. Children UNDER the age of 12 may visit for short periods at the discretion of the nurse and/or the physician. Visiting children must be free of infections and must always be supervised by an adult.
- Visitors/Relatives are allowed in the rooms; however, noise level should be kept to a minimum.
- Patients need adequate rest, hence although visitors are allowed during day hours, kindly allow time for the patient to sleep if he/she needs rest.
- Visitors are asked to keep the private restroom clean at all times. A clean environment contributes to the safe and speedy recovery of the patient.
- When doctor/nurse is in the room to attend to the patient (dressing, etc.) relatives are not allowed.
- Relatives who wish to speak to doctor/nurse regarding patient’s condition should avoid doing so in front of the patient (unless absolutely necessary or on request and with consent of the patient).
- Visitors who eat in the rooms should cooperate by removing any garbage resulting from their personal eating, etc. in the rooms. No garbage should accumulate in the rooms.
- Only one relative is allowed to sleep in the room.
Insurance benefits overview
We appreciate your trust in selecting Belize Healthcare Partners Limited for your surgery and inpatient needs. Understanding billing and payment for your surgery and healthcare services can be complicated. We hope you find the information in this brochure helpful toward making your experience with Belize Healthcare Partners as special as the high quality care you can expect.
BHPL participates with RF&G and Sagicor insurance plans as well as various international insurances. Before your visit, check with your employer or insurance company to see if you qualify for health care services. Otherwise, you may be responsible for your entire bill.
Understanding you insurance benefits, limitations and procedures will ensure that the billing process goes smoothly. If you have questions regarding your health insurance coverage, please contact your insurance company prior to your visit so you are familiar with its requirements.
Many insurance plans require prior authorization for services. On request, we will assist you with obtaining a prior authorization. While your insurance may authorize the service to be performed, it may not cover or pay for the service because of your individual policy limitations. We encourage you to read and understand you policy and benefit limitations.
Each plan is different. It is your responsibility to know the requirements for your plan. You may be responsible for all of your payment or your appointment may have to be rescheduled if you do not get the necessary approvals.
BHPL tries to help you make informed decisions. Specialists are available to prepare estimates as needed.
Appointment check in
When making and checking in for an appointment, please have your identification and insurance cards available to ensure we have your correct contact and insurance information. We may need to copy your insurance card and identification and have you sign authorization forms when you check in.
Your insurance company may require you to pay a portion of your services. Please be prepared to pay your co-pay when you check in for your appointment. The co-pay must be paid on the same day the service is provided. You may be asked to pay for non-covered services in full prior to your service. If you have questions regarding your copay, deductible or non-covered services, please contact your insurance company.
BHPL will submit claims to your insurance company.
You will receive a phone call and billing statement when an amount is left unpaid by the insurance company. This amount is due and payable by the patient. You are responsible to pay the amount shown as balance. The balance due from patient is payable upon receipt of the phone call/statement.
For your convenience, you may make payment in a variety of ways:
- Cash or check
- Credits cards (VISA, MasterCard)
- Over the counter at any Belize Bank country wide
Financial Assistance
BHPL is prepared to assist any patient experiencing difficulty in meeting their balance of payment obligations. If you are unable to pay your balance of payment after insurance payment when it is due, please contact our Admissions/Discharge Supervisor. Arrangements can be made in which you agree to pay at regular intervals an amount based on your account balance.
If you wish to discuss your bill with us in person, you are welcome to visit our Accounts Department. Representatives are available Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Accounts that are not paid on time and for which no payment arrangements have been made will be subject to placement with collection agencies following due notice.

(501) 280-5000
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